Odds are, any older dog I examine will have a growth (or two, or three, or four) within the skin and subcutaneous tissue — the layer just beneath the skin.
So far so good. My pom does have recurring skin issue -- from my research I think it's yeast? I feel so bad for him. I do what I can - and it goes away in the summer, but October through May... not fun.
Just my vet. He said it's an allergy. Nothing changes around my dog -- except the weather. I take a metal comb and lightly scrape the area -- doesn't hurt him, he loves it because it itches so bad -- and I put Animax on it. Heals it up. But it's basically playing whack a mole. It just appears elsewhere.
So far so good. My pom does have recurring skin issue -- from my research I think it's yeast? I feel so bad for him. I do what I can - and it goes away in the summer, but October through May... not fun.
Have you conferred with a board certified veterinary dermatologist?
Just my vet. He said it's an allergy. Nothing changes around my dog -- except the weather. I take a metal comb and lightly scrape the area -- doesn't hurt him, he loves it because it itches so bad -- and I put Animax on it. Heals it up. But it's basically playing whack a mole. It just appears elsewhere.
Yes indeed. Thank you!
Interesting stuff, thank you so much. Am sharing this article in my Saturday Newsletter, if that is ok?